Tower internals part Liquid Distributor

In order to reduce the amplification effect caused by poor liquid distribution,give full play to the efficiency of the filler, a liquid distributor must be installed in the packing tower,so that the liquid will evenly distributed on the top of the packing layer.The mass of the initial liquid distribution not only affects the mass transfer efficiency of the filler,but also will affect the operating elasticity of the filler.So,the liquid distribution is the key internals in the packing tower.The distributor have various of type, the selection is mainly based on distributed mass,Operating elasticity, processing capacity, gas resistance, levelness and many other aspects.

  The function of the liquid distributor is to distribute the liquid uniformly on the top of the packing or at a certain height or redistribution,to improve the effective surface of mass and heat transfer,Improved interphase contact, thereby increasing tower’s efficiency.

   The experiment showed that the flow of liquid in the packing layer is not a uniform plug flow,there is the phenomenon of  trench flow, bias flow,Wall flow.It will cause the amplification effect and end effect of the packing tower.The aim of reasonable design and selection of liquid initial distributor and redistributor is to reduce and prevent the amplification effect of packed towers,thereby reducing tower height and diameter,reduce the cost and the ashamed cost.

Tray type gas-liquid distributor have the advantage of more uniform distribution of gases and liquids,, pressure reduction, anti-entrainment, low occupancy,more convenient to installation etc,At the same time, it is suitable for feeding, side production and liquid collection and redistribution.

Tray type distributor can simultaneously play the functions of liquid collection, gas distribution, liquid distribution and side line production.The liquid distribution effect of the new type of operating plate distributor is better when it is equipped with the deflecting packing ring

A slot distributor consists of a long channel called a slot and one or more separate boxes,used to transfer liquid into the tank.The separator box helps control the feed rate to the tank,and make sure the liquid can distribution by scale.The space between the tank can be used for the passage for steam.The quantity and location of the separator box is depended on the column diameter.The orifice may be located on the wall or at the bottom of the slot.When the orifice plate is located on the wall, a conduit is provided on the wall to guide the liquid flow.

 The slot distributor has the advantages of simple structure, convenient installation and small pressure drop. It not only ensures the requirement of uniform distribution of liquid points of the distributor in the packed tower with large diameter and low bed, but also effectively increases the anti-clogging ability and effectively utilizes the limited space height.

Product Name:Liquid Distributor


The poor distribution of liquid in the packed tower is divided into large scale and small scale.

Small scale bad distribution is caused by liquid channel flow in the packed column,the large scale one is caused by liquid distributor,It will seriously reduce the efficiency of the entire tower.The results showed that the higher the efficiency of seasoning, the greater the influence of liquid distribution quality on the properties of fillers

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